Infotainment IPTV

How to pay

After placing your order please use any method to process payment then send screen shot or receipt to online agent or given WhatsApp number to getting the subscribed line detail.

Payment Options

1. Direct Bank Account
Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be completed until the funds have cleared in our account.

Account Name: Muhammad Imran Kanjal
IBAN: PK91FAYS3112301000003618
Bank Name: Faysal Bank (Layyah Branch)

2. JazzCash
Send payment to JazzCash Account:

JazzCash #: 03216761577
Account Name: Muhammad Imran Kanjal

3. PayPal

Place Order and send payment to PayPal ID:

[email protected]

× WhatsApp